Leader Training
Foundations Leader Training Guide
- The Foundations Leader Training Guide explains how to lead our discipleship Bible studies one-on-one or in a small group by asking questions and guiding the discussion so that everyone participates.
- The leader does not teach but guides discussion so that people discover for themselves what the Bible says.
- All discussion questions are contained in the Bible study lessons.
- Part of the process of leading a group is to identify potential future leaders and prepare them to also lead these discipleship materials.
- This is how to make multiplying disciples, and this is what Paul told Timothy.
You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others – II Timothy 2:2 NLT

Apprentice Process
Whether you are leading one or 10 people with Foundations, the goal is to find one or more people who can be trained to lead others with Foundations, thus making multiplying disciples. This apprentice process is explained in detail in the Foundations Leaders Training Guide.
- Model how to lead Foundations meetings
- Choose people with the right spiritual gifts, abilities and calling
- Ask the potential apprentice to observe you lead
- Initial Leader Training using the “Foundations Leader Training Guide”
- Observe and Coach them leading several sections of Foundations
- Ask them to be a co-leader
- Ask them to be the leader of Foundations with a group or one-on-one
- Ongoing training with other Foundations leaders

Foundations Leader Training Guide Content
The following topics are covered in the Leader Training Guide. The guide provides a Biblical basis for discipleship and practical help in sucessfully leading others through the Foundation Bible studies.
- The Great Commission
- Our Response to the Great Commission
- Foundations Discipleship Plan
- Multiply Disciples by Apprenticeship
- How to Lead a Foundations Meeting
- Continued Growth of Foundations Leaders
The Foundation Leader Training Guide is free & can be downloaded on this website in three different formats.
- PDF file that works best on large screens or for printing
- Epub files can be viewed on any EPub viewer such as Apple “Books” that comes on iPhones & iPads or “Google Book Reader” that is available from Google Play Store on all iOS or Android phones & tablets.
- Mobi files can be viewed using Amazon’s “Kindle” reader which is also available on all iOS & Android devices from Apple or Google app stores.
Sample images
Images from Smart Phone
Images from iPad